Austria MONOPOLY Championship
Champion - Bernhard Krenn
Belgium MONOPOLY Championship - June 20, 2015
Champion - Minh Tran
16 players qualified by winning 1st or 2nd at one of 8 regionals.
Canada -
Canada MONOPOLY Championship - May 1-2, 2015
Champion - Andrea Cameron
Toronto, ON
Prize - $10,000 CAD for 1st plus trip to Macau.
3 preliminary rounds, then 4 person final. 48 players qualified by taking an online Monopoly quiz.
Chile - Campeonato Monopoly 2015
Chile MONOPOLY Championship - May 30, 2015
Champion - Ángel Niccodemi Diaz
GAM, Santiago
To qualify for the 16 spots in the national championship, you had to earn points on an online app located at April 20th - May 12th.
Colombia - Campeonato Monopoly 2015
Colombia MONOPOLY Championship
Champion - Guio Encinosa
To compete for the national championship, you had to earn points on an online app located at April 20th - May 12th. Each week, they designated a winner with the highest point total. The weekly winner with the highest total points was the Colombian champion. Full rules for Colombia located here.
France MONOPOLY Championship - February 27 - March 1, 2015
Champion - Philippe Pinoli
Cannes - International Festival of Games
Qualifying rounds were held on Feb 27 & Feb 28. The 64 players with highest scores qualified for the quarterfinals on Mar 1. Winners of quarterfinal games go to semifinals, and 4 winners will go to the Final. 1st place received a trip to Macau for the World Championship. The speed die was used.
For more info, see this document in French about the weekend.
Germany -
Germany MONOPOLY Championship - June 28, 2015
Champion - Ita Hoffmann
To qualify for the national championship, you had to win one of 20 regionals which were held in May 2015 or be one of 4 past champions invited.
Greece -
Greece MONOPOLY Championship - May 30, 2015
Champion - Dimitrios Botsios
To qualify for the national championship, you had to win one of 6 regionals which were held in May 2015.
Hong Kong -
Hong Kong MONOPOLY Championship - April 26, 2015
Champion - Hon Tsz San
They played with the Speed Die and $2500 starting cash. Additional details at
Italy -
Italy MONOPOLY Championship - April 25-26, 2015
Champion - Nicolò Falcone
Milan - Best Western Antares Hotel Concorde
The winner received a trip for two to the World Championship.
Japan -
Japan MONOPOLY Grand Championship - June 14, 2015
Grand Champion - Tsutomu Doita
Harukasu Abeno, Osaka
Regionals have been held to determine who will qualify. Please go to for more details on the full list of regionals and how to compete.
The 2009 Japanese Grand Champion was Takahiro Ishii.
Macau Championship - July 11, 2015
Champion - Sin Chi Kuok
Macau Amusement Expo
Mexico - Campeonato Monopoly 2015
Mexico MONOPOLY Championship - May 29, 2015
Represenative - Mariano Naoto Kairiku González
Mexico City, Mexico
To qualify for the 16 spots in the national championship, you had to earn points on an online app located at April 20th - May 12th. At the national championship, they played a 1-hour preliminary round, where the two highest scores at each table advanced to the 8-player semifinal round lasting 1 hour. The two highest scores for each semi-final game then played in the final round, lasting 1 hour. The actual Mexican champion, Jan Carlo Robles Flores, was unable to attend so Mariano, who finished in 2nd place in Mexico, competed at Macau.
The Netherlands
Netherlands MONOPOLY Championship - June 7, 2015
Champion - Bram van Orten
The Hague
Regional winners from Haarlem, Hengelo, Deventer, Breda, Dordrecht, Leeuwarden, and the Hague competed in the national championship.
New Zealand -
New Zealand MONOPOLY Championship - May 24, 2015
Champion - Daven Yu
Auckland - GridAKL, Ground Floor
You had to take the online quiz before May 18th to be invited. Past Regional & National winners have also been invited to participate. Only 24 total spots were available.
Norway, Sweden, Finland, & Denmark - Hasbro website for Nordic
Nordic MONOPOLY Championship - May 30, 2015
Champion - Morten Svensen
Oslo, Norway
Hasbro held a Nordic Monopoly Championship to determine the champion from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. One player from each country was determined in advance via an online quiz and short essay to then compete in the Nordic Championship.
Defending Norway Champ - Bjørn Halvard Knappskog
Bjørn is the 2009 World Champion and will be given an automatic seat in the 2015 World Championship.
Peru - Campeonato Monopoly 2015
Peru MONOPOLY Championship - May 27, 2015
Champion - Luis Castillo CastroLima, Peru - Fiesta Hotel & Casino
To qualify for the 16 spots in the national championship, you had to earn points on an online app located at April 20th - May 12th. At the national championship, they played a preliminary round, where the winners of each table advanced to the final round.
Poland -
Poland MONOPOLY Championship - August 29 & 30, 2015
Champion - Marek Flis
Atrium Targówek, Warsaw.
Regionals for 2015 were held at three Atrium shopping centers in Poland. The top four players from each regional became finalists and got to compete at the national championship.
Portugal - Monopoly Portugal Facebook page
Portugal MONOPOLY Championship - May 2015
Champion - João David Ribeiro Pais Ferreira
To qualify for the 14 spots in the national championship, you had to earn points on a Facebook app on the Portugal Monopoly facebook page. Rules available here.
Russia -
Russia MONOPOLY Championship - June 21, 2015
Champion - Aleksander Kovalev
To qualify for the national championship, you had to win one of four regionals that took place in April & May.
South Korea
South Korea MONOPOLY Championship - July 4, 2015
Champion - Kim Hyan-Soo
Seoul - Dongdaemun DDP
Used speed die and $2500 starting cash
Spain - Monopoly Spain Facebook page
Spain MONOPOLY Championship - May 31, 2015
Champion - María Neus Alonso Gil
To qualify for the 18 "digital" spots in the national championship, you had to go to the Spain Monopoly facebook page and earn points. 6 previous national championship players were also invited to participate. They played 3 preliminary rounds and a final.
Switzerland -
Switzerland MONOPOLY Championship - May 30, 2015
Champion - Beat Jost
Zurich - Franz Carl Weber Toyo Shop
Approximately 60 players completed, and top 16 played in a final round.
Ukraine -
Ukraine MONOPOLY Championship - June 13, 2015
Champion - Oleksandr Kovalenko
To qualify for the national championship, you had to compete at one of two regionals that took place in early June. You qualified for the regionals by being one of the first 32 to signup on their website.
United Kingdom & Ireland -
United Kingdom & Ireland MONOPOLY Championship - July 19, 2015
Champion - Natalie Fitzsimons
London - The View from the Shard
To qualify for the UK & Ireland championship, you had to win one of 12 regionals held between May 30 and July 5, 2015. There were 80 adult spots and 80 youth spots for each regional. You could only compete at one regional competition. They used the Speed Die and $1500 starting cash.
United States -
United States Representative Online Competition - August 6-9, 2015
Representative - Brian Valentine
To qualify to be the US representative, you must go to and complete a 20 question quiz on Monopoly strategy and knowledge, and a 100-word essay on the strategy of the game.
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